
An Indianapolis Marketing Agency

Get More From Your Marketing

More Customers | More Money | More Freedom

Without the right words, nothing else you do will matter.

You’re not in business to watch your money burn at the altar of bad marketing.

Unfortunately, too many small business owners sink money into marketing that doesn’t produce results, leaving you stressed, overwhelmed, and strapped for cash.

Don’t pay for bad marketing!

Without the right words, nothing else you do will matter.

Here’s where most small businesses fail:

You hire a big advertising agency to build you a beautiful new website. They ask you what you want it to say. Then, they build and launch it. Six months go by. You have a gorgeous website but no more leads than with the old one.

Why? They didn’t take the time to understand your customers and invite them into a story of transformation.

They used the wrong words. There is a better way…

We make your marketing do more, and it starts with the words. The story.

Great marketing starts with the message. When you have a marketing guide with a proven framework, the right words come to the surface, and become the foundation for long-term success.

More Customers

When your marketing invites prospects into a story, they view you as the only guide to help them win.

More Money

Story-based marketing creates clarity quicker. so, you connect with more people while spending less.

More Freedom

With more customers and a more efficient marketing budget, you can focus on the things that bring you joy.

Hear from others just like you who have grown their business with our team!

Moonflower Marketing Blue Icon

the moonflower mantra

“When small businesses grow, communities thrive.”

Helping small businesses grow is about more than profit. When small businesses grow, they hire more people and pay them better. Those people go out and buy things and support other local businesses and charities, improving their communities.

Certified StoryBrand Guide Joe Garrison

Stop wasting money and start growing your small business.

Successful marketing doesn’t have to be difficult. Creating a marketing foundation that will propel your business to growth for years to come is simple. Here’s how to get started…

1. Schedule a Call

Set up a brief introductory call so we can understand your business and goals.

2. Get a Plan

Customize a plan that fits your goals and budget so you get exactly what you need to grow.

3. Live Free

Watch your business begin to give you the life you had hoped for when you started it.

Marketing Should Make You Money.

As a small business owner, you don’t have boatloads of money from investors to blow on “brand awareness” or vanity metrics.

You need more customers and more money now.

Too many small business owners waste money on marketing that doesn’t grow their business, leaving them stressed and strapped for cash. You don’t have to be one of them.

Too often, we see small business owners hire ad agencies to build out social media marketing and various digital marketing campaigns but neglect to build the foundation for successful marketing.

The words. 

At Moonflower Marketing, we believe nothing else you do will matter without the right words.

Social media, pay-per-click (PPC), billboards, smoke signals…none will succeed without the right message (words) for your marketing.

A so-called “full-service marketing agency” isn’t full-service if they don’t help you create a powerful message to build your marketing machine on.

We help you find the right words to land the right clients so your business grows.

If you find and implement the right brand messaging strategy, your marketing will be more successful, your team will be aligned, and your business will grow.

Schedule a free consultation today, and let’s work together to transform your marketing and grow your business.

Roughly 595,000 Small Businesses Close Every Year. We want to bring that number down! 

* Small Business Statistics – Chamber of Commerce

Here is what you can expect to invest to get your marketing right.

Whether you just need a nudge in the right direction, or a complete overhaul, we’ve got you!

Brand Foundation Icon


  • ^Brand Messaging Session
  • ^Brand Messaging Playbook
  • ^Homepage Wireframe

From $4,995


Brand Builder Icon


  • ^Everything in Brand Foundation
  • ^Up to 3 Additional Landing Page Wireframes
  • ^A New WordPress Website

From $12,495

Brand Catalyst Icon


  • ^Everything in Brand Builder
  • ^Copy + Design for a Lead Magnet
  • ^Copy for an Email Welcome Series
  • ^90min Coaching Call – 90 Days After Launch

From $20,495

Custom package pricing is available. Schedule a Call.

Here are ways we help your small business grow.

Logo Design / Visual Brand

If you don’t have a strong visual brand, it might be best to start here. While people buy things based on words, they will turn away immediately if you don’t look the part.

Brand Messaging

Nothing is more powerful in the human brain than a story. So, the first thing we do is lead you through a brand messaging session to develop your clear brand story.

Website Wireframes

The most important thing on your website is the words. We thoughtfully write and wireframe each page to invite your customers into a transformative story and move them to action.

Website Creation

Now that you have the right words, we’re ready to lay it out with a beautiful, simple, and compelling web design.

Lead Generation

Your brand is only as strong as your email list. So, we help you craft a lead magnet for your website that collects the names and emails of potential customers.

Email Welcome Series

A great email welcome series delivers the document, teaches the prospect how to get the most out of it, reminds them why it’s important that they implement the information, and presents them with an irresistable offer.

7 things hurting your website book cover

It's time to get your homepage right!

Download our Free Guide, and get our Free Homepage Template too. Simply swap our prompts with your content and see improvements on your homepage in no time!

Frequently Asked Questions from businesses we’ve worked with.

What is the difference between Branding and Marketing?

Branding is how people feel about your brand, and Marketing is positioning your brand as a solution to a problem your customers need to overcome.

What is Brand Messaging and how will it grow my business?

Brand Messaging is the foundation of any good marketing strategy. It is how you and your customers talk about your business.

Other agencies often skip brand messaging. We use a narrative messaging framework that utilizes storytelling elements to position your customer as the hero in a story and your brand as their guide.

Your customer wants something, but they have a problem preventing them from getting it.

Your brand is there to be the guide that helps them overcome their problem and win the day.

Too many marketing companies skip this step, and it’s the most crucial step in the process.

Is Brand Messaging or Visual Branding more important?

We see them as equal partners.

To be sure, people buy things based on the words they read.

However, if the words they read are not presented in a way that is aesthetically appealing and easy to consume…they might not read them.

We start with Brand Messaging and then move on to visual branding when a client needs both.

What is the benefit of good copywriting?

Copywriters aren’t poets. Copywriters are skilled at taking an idea, no matter how complex, and putting it into persuasive language your potential customer understands.

We take your product or service and put it into words your customer quickly will understand and cause them to want to purchase or hire you.

Can you help with our social media marketing?

One of the greatest benefits of our Brand Messaging Guides (results of your Brand Messaging Session) is it gives you a roadmap for what to talk about, and how to say it, on your social media channels.

Never guess again what you need to post about on social media.

Can you build me a new website that ranks on Google?

Short answer…probably.

While we regularly have success getting clients’ websites to increase in search ranking through various SEO practices (Search Engine Optimization), we make no promises you’ll rank #1 or on the first page.

A lot of that has to do with your target market and how saturated it might be. If you’re a brand new attorney trying to break into personal injury law, ranking on page one will take a while.

We can, however, help you develop a plan to get there. It just won’t be an overnight success.

Is email marketing dead?

Heck no!

Email marketing is alive and well. Building a robust email list is like having money in the bank.

We help you map out what lead generators might be valuable for your clientele, then work with you on effective sales and nurture email campaigns.

What is a lead generator and why do I need one?

A lead generator is an asset you essentially give away on your website for the low cost of someone’s name and email address.

It has a strong title that leaves your customers wanting to know more and is very valuable once they receive it.

By offering value to your potential customers, you create a sense of “reciprocity.”

They feel like they benefited so much from your generosity that they need to hire you to return the favor.

A lead generator can be a lot of things. An email series, a PDF, a video series, a small course, a webinar, etc.

Anything that provides a lot of value and delivers you an email address in return.

How does Moonflower Marketing approach website design?

The purpose of your website is to be your 24/hr sales associate.

It should work for you even when you’re not working.

Not all marketing agencies in Indianapolis approach websites the same.

We write and design your website to be simple and clear about how your product or service helps your customer overcome their problem.

Simple words. Simple design.

Always move the customer toward action (hiring you).

Can you help with content marketing?


Our Brand Messaging Guide we create for you will be the foundation of content marketing for your small business.

It will be a road map for how to create effective content that always connects with your audience.

Can you make my marketing cheaper?

The most cost-effective marketing is marketing built on the foundation of a strong brand message.

When you run social media ads, PPC, or any other marketing, you want the target audiences clicking on them to land on a page that speaks to them and the problem they are experiencing.

When that happens, more clicks convert, and your marketing dollar goes farther.

A Trusted Indianapolis-Based Marketing Agency

serving businesses and nonprofits all over the United States

Certified StoryBrand Guide Badge
Indy Chamber Member Moonflower Marketing
StoryBrand Homepage Template

The Quickest Way to Fix Your Homepage

We use the same homepage template as a starting point for every homepage we write for our clients. You can use it to transform your homepage in less than 60 minutes.