Hire StoryBrand Guide Joe Garrison

Transform your business with a clear message

Because if you confuse, you lose.

Joe Garrison | Certified StoryBrand Guide Since 2019

Certified StoryBrand Guide Badge

Clear Messaging

Certified StoryBrand Guide Badge

Effective Websites

Certified StoryBrand Guide Badge

Powerful Sales Funnels

Why is your marketing not bringing in more leads?

Your ideal customers are being inundated with 1000s of marketing messages every day. If you aren’t crystal clear how your business solves their problem and improves their life, they won’t pay attention, and you will lose money.

Your website doesn't convert

Your emails fall flat

Your social media doesn't engage

Your business isn't growing.

People don’t buy the best products. They buy the ones they can understand the fastest.

Donald Miller, CEO of StoryBrand and Business Made Simple

The StoryBrand Framework clarifies your message so customers pay attention.

The human brain is wired to survive and thrive. By default, it ignores anything that doesn’t serve that purpose. The StoryBrand Messaging Framework clarifies your message and makes it easy to understand how you help customers survive and thrive.

Elements of Storytelling

Good stories are the universal clarifier. We tell stories to capture attention and move people to action. StoryBrand Marketing leverages the power of story for marketing to ensure your message is heard and understood.

A Paradigm Shift

Most marketing would position you as the hero of the story. In your customer’s eyes, they’re already the hero. StoryBrand positions you as the Guide who leads your customer to success.

Simplify Your Message

People don’t buy the best services. They buy the ones they understand the fastest. StoryBrand simplifies your message so your customers quickly understand.

What is the StoryBrand 7-Part Framework?

StoryBrand is a proven framework created by New York Times Best-Selling author, Donald Miller, and laid out in his book, “Building a StoryBrand.” It uses seven elements of storytelling to help you invite your customer into a story that guides them to success, and away from failure. 

Learn the StoryBrand Framework by watching this 25-minute TEDx Talk from Donald Miller, or reading descriptions of each step below.

A Character

Every story starts with a character who wants something.

What does your customer or client want as it relates to your business?

When you start with identifying your target audience and what they want, your message becomes more clear, but so does your marketing strategy.

Follow the customers (character).

Figure out what your customer really wants.

Has a Problem

The problem is what is preventing your customer or client from getting what they want.

We break this up into three types of problem:

External Problem
The thing that is getting in the way

Internal Problem
How it makes your customer feel. This could be thought of as what most marketers would call the “pain point” for the customer.

Philosophical Problem
Why it’s just plain wrong that your customer can’t get what they want

How to Become Known to Your Customers

Who Meets a Guide

You are the guide in your customer’s story; they are the heroes.

What makes you a good guide to your customer is a combination of Empathy and Authority.

You feel the pain your customer is experiencing

You have the experience and expertise to guide them out of the pain to something better.

Who Gives Them a Plan

Noone trusts a guide without a plan.

There are two types of plans in the StoryBrand Framework.

Process Plan
What steps does your customer need to take to find success with you?

Agreement Plan
This is basically your promise to your customers regarding how you will work with them.

Examples of plans our clients use.

And Calls Them to Action

People will go where you tell them to go.

What ONE THING does your customer need to do to hire you?

This is essentially the “Buy Now” button on your site, or your call to action button. Some other examples might be

  • Call Now
  • Schedule a Call
  • Talk to an Expert
  • Hire a Guide!

That Helps Them Avoid Failure

If there are no consequences for not doing business with you, there is no reason to do business with you.

What pain are you helping your customers and clients avoid?

It’s called loss aversion. Psychologically, people are often more likely to take action to avoid failure than to achieve success.

If the stakes aren’t clear, there is no story.

And Ends in Success

What does success look like for your customer or client on the other side of doing business with you?

Your customers want to know where you’re taking them.

It’s important you plaster success all over your marketing material. Put success in words, in videos, in pictures.

Bonus: Character Transformation

This is the overall story arch you are telling. This looks at how your customer identifies before doing business with you versus how they identify after doing business with you.

People want to hire a guide that participates in their personal or professional transformation.

StoryBrand AI Logo

“Can’t I Just Use StoryBrand AI Instead?”

StoryBrand.AI is a new tool created by Donald Miller and his team that pairs the power of OpenAI with the StoryBrand Messaging Framework.

Donald Miller trained StoryBrandAI. After answering a few questions, it will create your Brand Script, Website Wireframes, Lead Generators, Email Series, Social Media Posts, and more.


Tell you you’re WRONG. 

We have used the SB7 framework to coach over 100 organizations over more than six years. I can tell you one thing…None had a perfect understanding of their customer, their customer’s problems, or how they felt about those problems.

Even the companies most in tune with their customers needed coaching to get their messaging right.

StoryBrand AI simply takes what you give it and gives you first drafts of your marketing collateral, regardless of the quality of your prompts.

If money is tight, it can be a good tool for guiding you in the right direction. With good prompts, it can help you improve your messaging.

It’s not a replacement for an experienced StoryBrand coaching and Marketing Strategist. At least…not yet.

Let us help you create a powerful BrandScript and deliver a Brand Messaging Playbook. Then, if you’re on a budget, leverage that to improve the marketing assets StoryBrandAI can create for you.

StoryBrandAI, ChatGPT, Claude, or any of the other generative AIs popping up each day can all be helpful in your marketing. Still, you have keep in mind that they are not human. Therefore, they don’t understand the nuances of the human condition and the psychology that helps create the most powerful marketing for your business.

Read more about AI and Brand Messaging.

StoryBrand Homepage Template

StoryBrand The Most Powerful Page on Your Website.

Download our Free StoryBrand Homepage Template. Simply swap our prompts with your content to create a StoryBrand Wireframe of your homepage in no time. Leverage the power of the StoryBrand book to grow your business.

Joe Garrison and Donald Miller StoryBrand Guide

I’m Joe. I’ll be your Guide!

Most businesses waste too much money on marketing with little return on their investment.  At Moonflower Marketing, we help you find the right words to land the right clients so your business grows.

I’ve seen it over and over: Small business owners trying to make ends meet, thinking they need to spend tons of money on marketing to do it. In reality, they’re just burning good money.

In 2019, I became certified as a StoryBrand Guide to help businesses like yours create websites and marketing that make you money.

Since then, I have worked with over 100 businesses, nonprofits, and churches to help them create compelling websites and profitable marketing.

If you’re ready to hire a StoryBrand Guide, I’d love to be the one!

Schedule a free call now. Let’s create your StoryBrand brandscript and get your business on a path to new growth.

Certified StoryBrand Guide Badge

Joe’s StoryBrand Certified Guide Profile

in the Marketing Made Simple Guide Directory

Joe was certified as a StoryBrand Guide in July 2019 by Donald Miller and Dr. J.J. Peterson.

What is a StoryBrand Guide?

StoryBrand Guides are expert marketing consultants who execute the framework for clients. Our owner, Joe Garrison, is a StoryBrand Certified Guide. He helps you leverage the Story Brand framework in several ways to help you grow your business.

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Website Copywriting

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Website Wireframes

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Write Sales Emails

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Write Nurture Emails

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Write Video Scripts

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Social Media Strategy

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Lead Generators

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Email Marketing & more

Put the StoryBrand Framework to work for your business

Here’s how we do it:

1. Schedule a Call

Schedule a time to talk with Joe. He’ll listen to your needs and help craft a plan of action.

2. Execute StoryBrand

Joe will put StoryBrand to work in your marketing to grow your business.

3. Be the Guide

When your message is clear and your marketing strategy is strong, you become a guide to your clients.

Hear from others just like you

Frequently Asked Questions 

How do I hire a StoryBrand Guide?

Schedule a call with Joe to find out more about how he can help you clarify your message and grow your business. If Joe isn’t the right fit, he can connect you with a Guide that meets your needs.

Do you edit StoryBrandAI assets?

In short, no. While StoryBrand AI can be a great tool for a small business owner on a very tight budget, it’s just like every other AI in lacking the ability to question inputs, think strategically, and incorporate the human element into your marketing.

We will help you craft a powerful StoryBrand BrandScript that you can use to inform StoryBrand AI if you would like.

Our foundational package walks your organization through the StoryBrand framework to craft your BrandScript. You can then use that BrandScript to ensure the inputs you use for StoryBrandAI more likely generate strong outputs (wireframes, lead generators, emails, etc.)

Will StoryBrand work for my business?

Yes. StoryBrand is documented to work with just about every type of business or organization you can imagine. If you use words to sell things, raise money, make a difference, or anything else, StoryBrand can help you invite potential customers into a story and move them to action.

Start by using StoryBrand principles on your homepage so website visitors are immediately invited into a story.

Does StoryBrand work for marketing agencies?

Yes! Walking through SB7 with your agency is a great way to unify your team around a core message as well as better position your agency with your ideal customer.

You can become StoryBrand Certified Agency to certify your entire marketing team as StoryBrand Guides. If you are interested, contact Joe, and he will connect you with someone at StoryBrand HQ.

Does StoryBrand work for SEO?

StoryBrand and SEO are a match made in heaven! Here’s why.

How do I sign up for the StoryBrand Marketing Workshop?

The StoryBrand workshop will be a game-changer for your organization. Click here to register for the next live or live stream session.

Where can I use my StoryBranded message?

Anywhere you use words to communicate you can use your StoryBranded message.

  • Websites
  • Social Media
  • Google Ads
  • Facebook Ads
  • Any Digital Marketing
  • Print material
  • TV Commercials
  • Videos
  • Radio spots
  • Literally, anywhere you use words to sell your product or services.

What is a "Brand Script"?

Your brandscript is essentially the full SB7 framework put into paragraph form. Typically, a few short paragraphs that cover the full narrative of your brand.

They work great for an explainer paragraph on your website, a video script, an introduction email for an email marketing campaign and more.

Can the StoryBrand Framework help my nonprofit raise money?

Absolutely! Whether you are creating a message to connect with the people your nonprofit serves or to convince donors to contribute to your mission, StoryBrand for Nonprofits can help.

Everyone wants to be invited into a transformative story, maybe ESPECIALLY, those connected to a nonprofit.

What is a StoryBrand Website Wireframe

A website wireframe is a document that lays out the words and layout you will use on your website, based on your clear marketing message.

It is something you can simply hand to your website designer to make pretty on your website.

StoryBrand Homepage Template

The Quickest Way to Fix Your Homepage

We use the same homepage template as a starting point for every homepage we write for our clients. You can use it to transform your homepage in less than 60 minutes.