Why is it essential to have a strong one-liner or elevator pitch? Imagine This: You’re at your child’s soccer game on a brisk fall Saturday morning. While the kids are playing, you are chatting up other parents on the team. One parent comes up to you on crutches and...
Lawyers are notorious for having terrible marketing strategies. Personally, I think it’s why so many law firms spend exorbitant amounts of money annually on marketing. According to this article: Some personal injury firms, that tend to be very...
Every small business struggles at some point to figure out how to become known to their customers. So, let me reassure you — you are not the only one. Often, we look at major brands absolutely killing it on TV, social, and everywhere else and think we’re lagging...
Do you remember that scene from Wayne’s World where Wayne (Mike Myers) is bracing himself over top of Cassandra (Tia Carrere) in bed and he’s switching which eye he’s looking at her with while saying, “Camera 1. Camera 2. Camera 1. Camera 2.”? It’s a funny scene!...
“No one trusts a guide without a plan.” J.J. Peterson – StoryBrand Imagine you’re on a fishing tour of Lake Superior. You’ve chartered a boat out of Grand Marais, Minnesota and you’re excited to take on America’s biggest lake. You have been looking forward to...
Do you struggle to get great testimonials from happy clients? Most businesses do. There is often some discomfort in asking for testimonials from recent or past clients. When you do muster up the courage to ask for a testimonial, you get something like… “Joe is such a...
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